martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

Thank You

I really don´t know why..
But Is really nice to share with you
And is estrange, how much I miss you
And the weird thing is that I like it….
The same as I like your kisses
Your Hugs
Your voice
It is great
The way you treat me
The way you talk to me
The way you make me feel
And the way I perceive you when we are together
Also i love to hear your voice before I fall sleep and dream you.
Then when I just wake up, is amazing how I look for my phone
To send you a message or call you  jus to say Good Morning
Is something almost automatically that give me that extra daily power
But is not just that, is more than it, is all that things dont have an explain.
So for all that beauty random things, I Just want to say...
 thank you for be my friend, thank you for be in my life